Friday, May 7, 2021

Student of the week series 1.3


Ayinla Muhammed Awwal
100 Level

Introduce yourself ?

I am Ayinla Muhammad Awwal, a Justician, a common and islamic law student, 100 Level.

How do you feel being the student of the week ? 

It’s enticing, i feel good, it’s really an honor.

How did you feel being the student of the week as 100 Level Student so far so soon ? 

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚What did you mean so far so soon, I thought we are all student and we all deserve what is meant for us, so it doesn’t matter if am in 100Lvl. So being the student of the week i think it’s because of my participation at the Equity Chambers mega combo event, I think I performed well the winner knows I trashed him, but for some reasons I couldn’t be the winner. People really knew I tried and I deserve to be the winner cos I felt I trashed the winner in the Oratory contest. 

So, the competition you took 2nd position representing Justice Chamber.s You said you felt you trashed the winner, Ajibola Ibrahim representing the Human Rights chambers because of some certain reasons. How do you mean ? 

Yes, Firstly to be involved in a thing you must be informed about it, it’s my first time in Oratory Contest. I know i didn’t utilize my time and i wasn’t well informed that I could chip in my conclusions at the ring of the time lapse. My prep time for the contest was the proposed 5minutes until the unforeseen circumstances that make the organisers to reduce it to 3 minutes. I feel like it’s the concluding part that got me down. However, for me to be acknowledged as an 100 level students amidst Learned seniors. it’s a great honour. 

After the competition people were praising you for your effort and see you as the next rated and like star is born how did you feel about that ? 

It’s a great thing, the next rated...πŸ€” I felt have being giving birth twice first April 17 and also on that Wednesday πŸ˜†... I never thought I can go up there and talk. People were coming to me the likes of Oyeleso saying he would like to face me one day and the 500lvl class rep gave me 1K . I have also gotten many other influences and offer. it’s really a great thing and I wish more to come.

It seems Ajibola Ibrahim is the one to beat, do you think you will be the one to do that ?

 know I can and I will, I already know my strength and I know what to do to improve myself, I will like to beat the PRO in the subsequent event, I almost achieve that and it was my first time going against him so definitely I know I can do it.

What is the difference between you in the first semester and now. You aren’t active or noticeable in first semester what do you think changes between these few months ?

I’m actually a very social person, I relate with almost everyone in first semester. It’s my first time here so I’m just kind of settling in not talking with everyone, trying to observe the environment but now i realize I’ve to be myself and be the social person I am, also I got influence with the people around me, I walk with the LSS President people know that and it’s also part of the thing that I think contributed to my popularity, everyone talks to president and I’m always with him, people will be like who is this person with you and I also come out when necessary. I came out during the inter-chambers debate, I also went to Unilawrin Justice Chambers, MLS Policy contest & now the Equity Chambers Mega Combo Events which  I feel contributed to my popularity a lot. 

Like you said People have seen you with the President what’s your connection with him ? 

My connection with the LSS President wasn’t for popularity. I see him as guiding light ori say a mentor, he is the president, very welcoming person and he’s approachable, It’s my first year and I feel it would be a great opportunity learning from him. Simply put, I’m just trying to be close to people that are ahead of me & learning from them.

Can we expect you to be part of the LSS administration in the nearest future ? 

It all depend there are a lot of criteria so I’m not sure yet but it’s not bad being part of the LSS administration, if I will be part you will find out and if I will not be part you will also find out. 

Any parting words ? 

Like I said earlier, it’s an honour to be the student of the week. A big accolades to the LSS administration, more power to your elbow. Thank you LSS 


  1. Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ higher you go

  2. Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ may you continue to prosper inshallah

  3. Congrats broπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


Student of the week series 1.4

Can you introduce yourself ? Hi I’m Halimat Oladimeji, a final year law student and the Vice President of the LSS. Are you aware you were go...